Higher Education 2030: Visualizing Scenarios for the Next Decade

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Higher Education 2030: Visualizing Scenarios for the Next Decade

Sale Price:CHF 8.95 Original Price:CHF 15.00

Every organization must deal with uncertainties when planning for the future. But institutions of higher learning are facing particularly challenging ones, thanks to the increasing role of technology, changing attitudes toward education (and particularly its return on investment), long-term demographic changes, competition — and many other factors, not to mention what COVID did to your ability to deliver a quality education these past two years, and how its fallout could still affect your future.

How are you dealing with all these future unknowns? Scenario planning is about understanding alternative outcomes more clearly and how your future might realistically unfold in different directions. This book shows you a methodical — yet highly creative — way to visualize the different “landscapes” that could plausibly emerge for your institution. And how each one will present specific opportunities and challenges you should address.

Its author Woody Wade is a globally acknowledged expert on scenario planning — and former marketing director at a top-ranked institution of higher education himself. As an independent consultant, he has worked with clients in more than 30 countries to help them foresee how their strategic landscape could change — and spot chances they could exploit.

In this practical guidebook, he takes you step-by-step through the powerful scenario generation process, with lots of examples from his repertoire of actual client workshops.

 Download the digital e-book now. The download key will be sent to your e-mail address. Or do you prefer to read the book as a printed paperback? Order here from Amazon.com.

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